Leica Geosystems PlusXL User Manual
Page 8

7. Setting up the Bluetooth connection
When PlusXL is started, the Bluetooth connection between the Leica DISTO™ plus and the pocket PC is
automatically established. In this case, the Leica DISTO™ plus beeps once. Then the Bluetooth icon on the
DISTO stops flashing and the Bluetooth icon in the upper navigation bar of the pocket PCs is displayed
without the red stop icon, which would signal an interrupted connection.
Special cases
1. The pocket PC displays a list of all Bluetooth devices known to it. Select and click on the Leica
DISTO™ plus. The Bluetooth connection is then established, measured values can be transferred to
Excel and navigation is possible in the Excel table (refer to section 9: "Transferring measured values
to Excel“).
2. Excel is displayed and in the upper navigation bar, the Bluetooth-icon with the red stop icon is
displayed (screenshot 5): The program could not determine which COM-port to use for the Bluetooth
connection. The following selection is displayed:
Screenshot 5
The possible COM-ports are listed. Select a COM-port (the selected COM-port is displayed in blue,
e.g. COM5 in screenshot 5:). Confirm the selection by clicking on the "OK" button in the upper right
corner. The program now attempts to establish a connection via the selected COM-port. Should the
attempt fail, then the list is displayed again. Please select different COM-ports until the right one is
found. Then Pocket Excel is displayed and measured values can be transferred and navigation in the
Excel table is also possible (refer to section 9: "Transferring measured values to Excel“). The correct
COM-port is now saved in the program.
The correct COM-port can be determined directly through the Settings menu of the relevant pocket
PC. E.g. the HP iPAQ has this information saved under "Start | Settings | System | Bluetooth serial
connection | COM-port“. This information may be located elsewhere on other pocket PCs. For this
reason, the procedure described above may be the quicker.