What are banks – C. Crane BC75XLT User Manual

Page 19

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Repeater Operation
repeater systems use two frequencies: one transmits from
the radio to a central repeater; the other transmits from the
repeater to other radios in the system. With a repeater-based
system, the repeater is located on top of a tall building or
on a radio tower that provides great visibility to the area of
operation. When a user transmits (on an input frequency),
the signal is picked up by the repeater and retransmitted
(on an output frequency). The user’s radios always listen for
activity on the output frequency and transmit on the input
frequency. Since the repeater is located very high, there is
a very large line of sight. Typical repeater systems provide
coverage out to about a 25-mile radius from the repeater


Channel Storage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you
want to listen to, the 300 channels are divided into 10
channel storage banks containing 30 channels each. You
could use each channel storage bank to group frequencies
by department, location, area of interest, or any other way
you prefer. You can listen to any or all of the banks by using
the number keys to turn them on or off.
Service Search Bands
The scanner is preprogrammed with many of the frequencies
allocated to Weather, Police, Fire/Emergency, Marine,
racing, Civil Air, HAM radio, railroad, CB radio, and Other
(Other = FrS/GMrS/MUrS). Use the 10 bands allocated for