Chapter 9: placing the collectors – Beckett SolarHot User Manual
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© SOLARHOT 2006-2009
Chapter 9: Placing the collectors
Warning: All work more than 5’ above the ground should be conducted with the appropriate fall protection
We have already covered the proper stng and szng of the solar collectors, now we wll delve nto the
proper placement. Assumng they wll be roof mounted, the collectors should be located at least 18”
below the rdge and 18” n from the edge of the roof. Ths s a gudelne to prevent the collector from
seeng abnormal uplft durng hgh wnds. (See pcture below)
The tops of the collectors are 18” down from the rdge.
Once you have identified the general area where the collectors will be mounted, use a chalk line to
mark the upper and lower edge of the collector. These lnes should be parallel and spaced apart the
same dstance as the collector length. The collectors must be mounted wth the headers parallel to the
rdgelne for a dranback nstallaton.
Note: You want to make sure that these chalk lnes are nclned down the slope at least 1/16” per
foot to nsure dranage n a dranback nstallaton.
The next step will be to identify where the rafters are under the shingles. You can do this using several
dfferent methods.
If you have access to the attc underneath:
1. Find an existing roof protrusion and measure the distance from that protrusion to the nearest
rafter from underneath. Return to the roof and make a chalk lne perpendcular to the roof slope
that goes through that pont.
2. If you have no roof protrusion drill a hole through the roofing into the attic space. With the
drill through the roofing measure the distance from the end of the drill to the nearest rafter from
underneath. Return to the roof and make a chalk lne perpendcular to the roof slope that goes
through that point. Be sure to fill the drilled hole with roofing tar when you are finished.