Hell Bent Steel 2014 + Dodge Ram 2500 & 2013 + 3500 4WD 2 Leveling Kit User Manual
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www.hellbentsteel.com | 1-877-731-7911
5. Install the HBS spacer onto the upper coil spring mount with the
provided 10MM fastener (
figure D). Torque to spec.
Install the rubber OEM isolator onto the bottom of the HBS spacer
with the rubber stem in the groove as shown (
figure E).
6. Lower the axle so the coil springs can be re-installed. Position
the coil springs in place and raise the axle until the springs make
contact with the rubber isolator (
figure F). Make sure that the
coil springs are rotated so they will nest into the rubber isolator
correctly (
figure G).
7. If installing the HBS lower shock bracket, raise the axle until
the hole in the HBS shock bracket aligns with the hole in the frame
of the vehicle. Reuse the OEM fastener to mount the lower shock
bracket onto the axle (
figure H). Torque to spec.
8. If installing the Bilstein 5100 Series extended shocks, raise
the axle until the lower shock mount can be installed in the original
shock mount. Torque to spec.
Completed installation pictured
9. Re-install the tires and lower the axle. Raise the frame to remove
the jack stands. Lower the frame such that the full weight of the
vehicle is on the suspension. Tighten the lock nut on the the upper
shock stem until it bottoms out and torque to setting specified in
the vehicle owner’s manual.
10. Have the vehicle aligned to OEM specs. Installation is not
complete until a professional alignment has been performed.
Correct Position