To: ofna technical support – OFNA Racing Picco .28JL Team Turbo User Manual
Page 3

TODAY’S DATE: month________day______
1. Print out form.
2. Fill out the form completely.
3. Make a copy of purchase receipt. All replacements/repairs will not be processed,
unless accompanied by proof that item(s) was purchased in the last 30 days.
4. Call OFNA technical support at (949)586-2910 for assistance.
1. Your name
2. Your address:
3. Your Phone Number
4. Your e-mail address:
5. Summary of your problem
(check lines):
a______part(s) is missing from my kit
b______part(s) seems to be defective
c______other problem
6. Name of kit / part
(on tag or end of box)
7. Kit/part number
(on tag or end of box)
8. Purchased from
(store name)
a. Store phone: (_____) _________
b. _____Item was a gift?
9. If a part is missing form the kit, circle
the appropriate answers:
a. Yes / No: Is kit box damaged?
b. Yes / No: Factory Seal sticker was secure.
c. Yes / No: I am the original owner.
d. Yes / No: I have contacted the dealer first.
10. Describe your issue fully and include any part numbers:
Failure to fill out this form completely will cause a delay in processing!
Affix proof of purchase on second page. All replacement / repairs will not be processed
unless accompanied by proof that item(s) was purchased in the last 30 days.
Can’t find Proof of Purchase?
A. If you lost the store receipt, ask the store if they will give you a new one.
B. We do not accepted the following as a substitute: Hand written receipts, ebay transaction numbers/forms or
credit card statements.
12. S
end in form with your defective product, as instructed to do by the Ofna
technician,(Name)_________________ you spoke to. (949)586-2910