CREATIVE PC-DVD 5x Drive Dxr2 User Manual

Page 44

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Troubleshooting 33




During video configuration the following message appears: “Auto Alignment failed.”


The Dxr2 decoder card cable not be properly connected.


❒ Check the cable connections on the Dxr2 card, particularly, VGA IN and VGA out.
❑ Start PC-DVD Player, press the Settings button, and select Video Configuration. Press

the Auto button to have the video automatically configured.



The video displayed on the monitor is blue or partially blue.


❒ VGA loopback cable is not connected correctly.
❑ Video alignment is not set correctly.
❑ Colorkey value is not set correctly.


❒ Check the VGA loopback cable connection. Try reversing the cable connections.
❑ Open the Video Configuration utility and set the video alignment. Use the Auto button

to configure the video. If this does not work, try make minor adjustments manually.

❑ Change the color combination of the Windows 95 desktop. Click the right mouse button

on the Windows 95 desktop and click on Properties. On the Display Properties page,
click on the Appearance tab. On the Appearance tab page, select Desktop in the Item
list and select a different color from the list. Click on OK to make the change.



The video displayed on the monitor is not smooth.


❒ Bus mastering device driver is not installed.
❑ CMOS settings for the PC-DVD drive are not correct.
❑ DMA transfer is not enabled. (Windows 95 OSR2 only.)


❒ Obtain the bus master device driver from your computer manufacturer or dealer.
❑ Do the following in CMOS:

1. Restart your system.

2. During the memory check, press the DELETE key to display the CMOS setup menu.

3. Select Integrated Peripherals and press ENTER.

4. Set your PC-DVD drive’s PIO to Mode 4. For example, if the PC-DVD drive is

connected as Slave to the primary IDE, set IDE Primary Slave PIO to Mode 4.

5. Press ESC to return to the CMOS setup menu.

6. Select Save & Exit Setup and press ENTER.

7. Press the Y key and then press ENTER.

❑ Enable the DMA transfer. See “Enabling DMA Transfer (Windows 95 OSR2)” on page 17.

Changing settings in CMOS
incorrectly can cause the
system to stop functioning.

Some of the following steps
may not apply to your
computer’s CMOS. Refer to
your computer’s CMOS
documentation for details. Page 33 Thursday, December 17, 1998 9:44 AM