Save these instructions, One world technologies, inc – Ryobi CB120L User Manual

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8-27-09 (REV:04)

oNe World tecHNoloGIes, INc.

1428 Pearman Dairy Road

Anderson, SC 29625

Phone 1-800-525-2579



is a registered trademark of Ryobi Limited used under license.

Battery pack reMoval aNd
preparatIoN for recyclING

To preserve natural resources, please
recycle or dispose of batteries
This product contains lithium-ion
batteries. Local, state or federal laws
may prohibit disposal of lithium-ion
batteries in ordinary trash.

Consult your local waste authority for information regarding
available recycling and/or disposal options.


Upon removal, cover the battery pack’s terminals with
heavy-duty adhesive tape. Do not attempt to destroy or
disassemble battery pack or remove any of its compo-
nents. Lithium-ion batteries must be recycled or disposed
of properly. Also, never touch both terminals with metal
objects and/or body parts as short circuit may result.
Keep away from children. Failure to comply with these
warnings could result in fire and/or serious injury.

Li - Ion

Do not place the charger and battery pack in an area of

extreme heat or cold. They will work best at normal room


Note: The charger and battery pack should be placed

in a location where the temperature is more than 50°F

but less than 100°F.

When batteries become fully charged, unplug the charger

from the power supply and remove the battery pack.

To remove the battery pack from the charger, depress

the latches on each side of the battery pack.

cHarGING a Hot Battery pack

When using a tool continuously, the batteries in the battery
pack will become hot. You should let a hot battery pack
cool down for approximately 30 minutes before attempting
to recharge.

Note: This situation only occurs when continuous use of a
tool causes the batteries to become hot. It does not occur
under normal circumstances. Refer to

cHarGING a cool

Battery pack for normal recharging of batteries. If the
charger does not charge your battery pack under normal
circumstances, return both the battery pack and charger to
your nearest Authorized Service Center for electrical check.


These batteries have been designed to provide maximum
trouble-free life. However, like all batteries, they will even-
tually wear out. Do not disassemble battery pack and at-
tempt to replace the batteries. Handling of these batteries,
especially when wearing rings and jewelry, could result in
a serious burn.
To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggest the

Remove the battery pack from the charger once it is fully

charged and ready for use.

For battery pack storage longer than 30 days:

Store the battery pack where the temperature is below

80°F and away from moisture.

Store battery packs in a 30%-50% charged condition.

Every six months of storage, charge the pack as
