Petsafe Barkender Bark Control Collar User Manual
Page 19

To Test the Bark
Control Collar
Slide the Sensor Probe across a rough surface for at least
254 mm. The Indicator of the Bark Control Collar should flash
several times. If your Bark Control Collar does not flash during
this test, see “The Bark Control Collar does not flash” in the
“Troubleshooting” section, and continue with the second step.
To Discharge the
Bark Control Collar
Important: Avoid touching the Contact Points and Sensor
Probe unless the Bark Control Collar is completely discharged.
After battery removal, the Bark Control Collar retains some
stored energy and may activate 2 or 3 additional times. To
completely discharge the Bark Control Collar, slide the Sensor
Probe across a table or hard surface several times, until the
Bark Control Collar stops flashing.
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