Vetter ART Attack User Manual

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Airshore ART Attack

When the ART Attack is put away, it must be ensured that
the tips of the tool point downwards. During breakage
levering be careful of parts which may catapult or fly
out, such as locks, hinges etc.
Do not touch any electrically conductive parts and wi-
ring because the tool itself is electrically conductive!
The ART Attack must not be used in any explosion endan-
gered areas and atmospheres!
Important! When opening a fire room, darting flames can
occur with and without pressure effect. Only work from
a protected position and have other measures readily
available corresponding to requirements.
The head pieces and the grip bar transfer heat to your
protective gloves.

Operating Instructions


Breakage levering applications


The brace wedge can be used for breaking in and the flat wedge
for doors which are difficult to open.
The standard method for breakage levering is to apply the brace
wedge into the door gap at the height of the door mounting. The
arch of the brace wedge is placed on the door mounting. The grip
rod is pushed towards the leaf of the door until this springs out.

When positioning yourself, make sure that the
flat wedge is not placed directly in front of you
stomach area. Danger of injury !

Weaken solid looking doors by applying initial tension. The flat
wedge is either placed at the top or the bottom in the door gap
and turned towards the leaf of the door. In doing this an air gap
is created between the door frame and the leaf of the door which
is then held open by using a wooden wedge. The brace wedge of
the ART Attack is then used in this gap and the door can be open-
ed as already described.

Levering up loads


The ground must be sufficiently solid enough when levering up
small loads, e.g. asphalt or concrete. If elevation work is carried
out on soft ground such as sand, pebble stones or grass then a
wooden board, or something similar, must be positioned in front
of the load.
The brace wedge is then pushed under the load, the arch of the
brace wedge is on the ground, or on the wooden board. The load
can now be slowly lifted by applying weight onto the grip rod, e.g.

Brace wedge

Flat wedge