Vetter S.Tec Lifting bags 10 bar (145 psi) User Manual

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Important preliminary remarks

Only the knowledge and exact observance of these operating in-
structions guarantees correct and professional operation, produ-
ces the greatest possible use and ensures any claims made within
the scope of the Vetter guarantee.
The handling of the Vetter S.Tec Bag is only to be made by trained
persons using the operating instructions of the manufacturer and
the information from the user. The disposal of discarded lifting
bags is to be carried out according to disposal regulations valid
for the region.
The operating instructions given here are to be regarded as part
of the product and are to be kept for the complete life duration of
the product. In case the product should be passed on to a succes-
sive user then the operating instructions must also be included.


Product description

2.1 Description of the set

a. S.Tec Bag 10 bar

The selection of bag size must correspond to operation require-
ments. There are 15 sizes available from 1.1 t to 84.6 t.




In order to inflate S.Tec Bags from a safe position for the operator,
there are inflation hoses available with lengths of 5 m and 10 m.
The hose colours in RED and YELLOW are used exclusively to assist
the operator in recognizing the correct side when controlling the
S.Tec Bag.

c. Air CU (Control Unit) 10 bar deadman

Connect the inflation hoses on the output couplings on the rear
side of the controller. Connect the air suppply to the input cou-
pling on the side. Move the switching lever to the front in order
to inflate the S.Tec Bag. In doing this, observe the corresponding
manometer and the load.
When the required operating pressure for the lifting power or lift
height is reached, terminate the inflation sequence by releasing
the lever. The switching lever automatically returns back to the
zero position (dead-man switching). The integrated safety valve
activates automatically as soon as the maximum operating pres-
sure of 10 bar is exceeded when inflating or when there is a sud-
den increase in bag pressure caused by an unintended loading of
the bag.

The activation tolerance for opening and closing of the
safety valve must only be a maximum of +/- 10%.

Press the switching lever in the opposite direction in order to de-
flate the bag or to lower the load.