Bussmann, Power module, Switch ps – Cooper Bussmann Power Module PS User Manual
Page 5: All-in-one module

Power Module
All-In-One Module
Form No. PS
Page 5 of 5
BIF Doc# 1145
Section 16XXX – Power Module Switch
(Elevator) (Computer Room) (Emergency Systems)
Part 1 – General
1.01 Description
A. Work of this section shall conform to the requirements
of the Contract Documents.
1.02 Section Includes
A. Provide Elevator Power Module Switch(es), fuses and
accessories as required and specified on Contract
Drawings to distribute electrical power to all Elevators.
1.03 Related Systems
A. (Reference other sections of the specification which
cover Elevator installation)
1.04 Codes
A. All work shall be performed in accordance with the
latest edition of applicable standards, codes and laws.
1. NFPA 70 – 1999 Section 620-51 (a)-(c), 620-62,
2. Canadian Electric Code Part 1 38-034(3)
3. ANSI/ASME A17.1 – 1996 Section 102.2 (c) (3)
4. BOCA 3006.2.3
5. NFPA 72 – 1999 Section 3-9.4.4
1.05 Standards
A. Except as modified by governing codes, all equipment
shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest
applicable standards:
1. Enclosed Switches, U.L. 98 and CSA – C22.2 No. 4
1.06 Substitutions
A. Substitutions shall comply with the requirements of
the General Conditions and General Requirements.
The names of manufacturers and model numbers
have been used to establish types of equipment and
standards of quality. A submittal shall contain sufficient
information to prove compliance with Contract
Documents. This includes compliance with all pertinent
sections of codes and standards as specified above.
1.07 Submittals
A. Submit shop drawings and product data under the
provisions of the General Conditions.
B. Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s catalog
information showing dimensions, configurations,
and methods of mounting and installation.
C. Submit listing of all types, sizes and quantity of fuses
which will be installed including the location of each.
D. Spare fuses shall be supplied as required by
(reference fuse specification section).
Part 2 – Products
2.01 Manufacturers
A. Bussmann
Power Module
Switch – PS
2.02 General Conditions & Requirements
A. Provide Power Module Switch in a single NEMA
enclosure with all necessary relay(s), control
transformer and other options (as listed below), and as
shown on drawings. The Power Module Switch shall
be constructed, listed, and certified to the standards
as listed in above. The Power Module Switch shall
have an ampere rating as shown on the Contract
Drawings, and shall include a horsepower rated fusible
switch with shunt trip capabilities. The ampere rating of
the switch shall be based upon elevator manufacturer
requirements and utilize Class J Fuses (provided
separately). It shall include as an accessory, a 100VA
control power transformer with primary and secondary
fuses. The primary voltage rating shall be ______ volts
with a 120 volt secondary. It shall also contain an
isolation relay (3PDT, 10 amp, 120V). The coil of the
isolation relay shall be _______ (120 V AC or 24 V DC).
A normally open dry contact shall be provided by the
Fire Alarm Safety System to energize the isolation relay
and activate the shunt trip solenoid (140VA inrush at
120V). (Note: If 24 V DC coil is selected, a separate 24
V DC source and contact
must be provided by the Fire Alarm Safety System.)
The module shall contain the following options:
_____ Key to Test Switch
_____ “ON” Pilot Light (Green, Red or White)
_____ Isolated Full Capacity Neutral Lug
_____ 1P NC Mechanicallly Interlocked Auxiliary
Contact (required for hydraulic elevators with
automatic recall).
_____ Fire Alarm Voltage Monitoring Relay (Needed to
comply with NFPA 72)
_____ NEMA ____ Enclosure (NEMA 1 standard),
12, 3R or 4) (through 200A)
Complete catalog number for the Power Module
Switch shall be _______________.
The module shall have been successfully tested to a
short circuit rating with Bussmann
Class J fuses at 200,000 amps RMS Symmetrical. All
switches shall have shunt trip capabilities at 120 V AC
from remote fire safety signal. Branch feeders shall be
selectively coordinated and fed with an upstream
supply overcurrent protective device at a minimum of
2:1 size ratio utilizing LOW-PEAK
(Class J, RK1, or L)
Part 3 – Execution
3.01 Installation
A. All material installation shall be in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations and the provisions
of applicable codes.
B. Fuses shall not be installed until equipment is ready
to be energized.
The only controlled copy of this BIF document is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This
bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice,
to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical
information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.