Cisco OL-12463-01 User Manual

Cisco Home Theater Systems

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Quick Start Guide for
Cisco Digital Media System 4.0

Revised: April 3, 2008


Information in this guide is organized into these top-level sections:

Introduction, page 1

Setting Up and Configuring Cisco Video Portal 4.0, page 2

Setting Up and Configuring Cisco Digital Media Manager 4.0, page 4

Related Documentation, page 10

Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines, page 11


This guide describes how to install, back up, and recover these Cisco Digital Media System components:

Cisco Video Portal (VP) appliances:

Cisco Video Portal 4.0 and Video Portal Reports 4.0 on MCS 7825-H2.

Cisco Video Portal 4.0 and Video Portal Reports 4.0 on MCS 7835-H1.

Cisco Digital Media Manager 4.0 on MCS 7835-H1.