Citrix Systems Citrix MetaFrame Application for Windows 1.8 User Manual
Page 41

2. If you have a multiport async adapter, select a port on which to run auto-
detection. MetaFrame Setup auto-detects the modem connected to the specified
port. You can configure multiple ports with the same modem type in Step 5
3. Windows NT searches for your modem. The detected modem is displayed. If
this is the correct modem type, click Next and proceed to Step 5.
— Or —
If you want to select another modem type, click Change.
— Or —
If no modem is detected, click Next.
4. Select the proper manufacturer and model of your modem and click Next.
If you do not see your modem on the list, select a similar model from the same
manufacturer or a generic modem type.
— Or —
If your modem came with a driver on disk, click Have Disk and follow the
manufacturer’s instructions for installing the driver.
5. The port selection dialog box appears. Select the port(s) to which the modem is
connected. Click Next when finished.
6. If this is the first modem installed, the Location Information dialog box
Specify the country you are in, the area or city code, the number that must be
dialed to reach an outside line, and whether the modem should use tone or
pulse dialing. These settings are used with all modems. When finished, click
7. A dialog box appears informing you that the modem has been set up
successfully. Click Finish.