Rdg %dodqflqj 5hjlvwu\ .h\ 9doxhv – Citrix Systems Citrix MetaFrame Application for Windows 1.8 User Manual

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0 - 0xffffffff seconds

(30 = default)

Specifies the delay after a client connects or disconnects from the Citrix server
before a master browser update is sent. This delay should be large enough to
let the system “settle” before sending the master browser update.



0 - 0xffffffff

(3 = default)

Specifies the number of times the browser sends a gateway add or delete



0 - 0xffffffff seconds

(1800 = default)

Indicates the frequency with which the browser updates the master browser.
After an election all browsers know the address of the master browser. After a
random delay (4-6 seconds) each browser sends an update datagram to the
master browser. After this initial update, the browsers update the master
browser every UpdateTime seconds. Upon receiving data from a browser, the
master browser replies with an ACK. Master browser updates are also sent
whenever a client connects or disconnects from the Citrix server. Lowering
this time makes browser data more accurate, but increases the CPU and
network load. Lower this value when load balancing is used. This value can be
set to zero to disable periodic updates.



0 to 0xffffffff

Specifies the current browser version.


The following registry entries are configured using the Adjust Load Balancing
dialog box in the Load Balancing Administration program. It is suggested that you
only use that program for modifying these values. They are listed here for



One or more text strings

Specifies a list of one or more application names used for load balancing. The
application name can be thought of as a server farm name. To configure load
balancing, two or more systems must be configured with the same application
name. The application name can appear in the client’s server list along with
the other Citrix servers. When the client selects an application name, the
master browser returns the Citrix server address with the least load, based on
the following factors.