Jeep 2009 Commander User Manual

Page 286

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Regular cleaning of the inside of the windows with a
non-filming cleaning solution (vinegar and water works
very well) will help prevent contaminates (cigarette
smoke, perfumes, etc.) from sticking to the windows.
Contaminates increase the rate of window fogging.

Summer Operation
Air conditioned vehicles must be protected with a high
quality antifreeze coolant, during summer, to provide
proper corrosion protection and to raise the boiling point
of the coolant for protection against overheating. A 50%
concentration is recommended. Refer to Fluids, Lubri-
cants, and Genuine Parts in Section 7 for the proper
coolant type.

When using the air conditioner in extremely heavy traffic, in
hot weather, especially when towing a trailer, additional
engine cooling may be required. If this situation is encoun-
tered, operate the transmission in a lower gear to increase
engine RPM, coolant flow and fan speed. When stopped in

heavy traffic, it may be necessary to shift into NEUTRAL
and depress the accelerator slightly for fast idle operation to
increase coolant flow and fan speed.

Your air conditioning system is also equipped with an
automatic recirculation system. When the system senses
a heavy load or high heat conditions, it may use partial
Recirculation A/C mode to provide additional comfort.

Winter Operation
When operating the system during the winter months, make
sure the air intake, located directly in front of the wind-
shield, is free of ice, slush, snow, or other obstructions.

Vacation Storage
Anytime you store your vehicle, or keep it out of service
(i.e. vacation) for two weeks or more, run the air condi-
tioning system at idle for about five minutes in the fresh
air and high blower setting. This will ensure adequate
system lubrication to minimize the possibility of com-
pressor damage when the system is started again.