Jeep 2008 Wrangler User Manual

Page 111

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ESP (Electronic Stability Program) cannot prevent the
natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle,
nor can it increase the traction afforded by prevailing
road conditions. ESP cannot prevent accidents, in-
cluding those resulting from excessive speed in
turns, driving on very slippery surfaces, or hydro-
planing. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful driver can
prevent accidents. The capabilities of an ESP-
equipped vehicle must never be exploited in a reck-
less or dangerous manner which could jeopardize the
user’s safety or the safety of others.

The ESP system has three available operating modes in
4H range. The system has one operating mode in 4L
range. 2WD vehicles and 4WD vehicles in 2H range have
two operating modes.

4H Range (4WD Models) or 2WD Models

This is the normal operating mode for ESP in 4H and
2WD vehicles. Whenever the vehicle is started or the
transfer case (if equipped) is shifted from 4L range or
NEUTRAL back to 4H range, the ESP system will be in
this mode. This mode should be used for most all driving
situations. ESP should only be turned to “Partial Off” or
“Full Off” for specific reasons as noted below.

Partial Off
This mode is entered by momentarily depressing the ESP
OFF switch. When in

ЉPartial OffЉ mode, the TCS portion

of ESP has been disabled and the ESP/TCS Indicator
Light will be illuminated. All other stability features of
ESP function normally. This mode is intended to be used
if the vehicle is in deep snow, sand, or gravel conditions
and more wheel spin than ESP would normally allow is