Jeep 2005 Wrangler User Manual

Page 6

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Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds or while
intoxicated may result in loss of control, collision with
other vehicles or objects, going off the road, or overturn-
ing, any of which may lead to serious injury or death.
Also, failure to use standard seat belts subjects the
driver and passengers to a greater risk of being thrown
out of an open-body vehicle than out of a closed vehicle
in an accident which can result in injury or death.

This manual has been prepared with the assistance of
service and engineering specialists to acquaint you with
the operation and maintenance of your new vehicle. It is
supplemented by a Warranty Information Booklet and
various customer oriented documents. You are urged to
read these publications carefully. Following the instruc-
tions and recommendations in this manual will help
assure safe and enjoyable operation of your vehicle.

NOTE: After you read the manual, it should be stored
in the vehicle for convenient reference and remain with
the vehicle when sold so that the new owner will be
aware of all safety warnings.

When it comes to service, remember that your authorized
dealer knows your vehicle best, has the factory-trained
technicians and genuine Mopar

௡ parts, and is interested

in your satisfaction.