JDC Electronic SA Skywatch AWS User Manual

Page 3

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The main parameters of SKYWATCH AWS can be modifi ed in the standard controls, accessible by simultaneously pressing the 2
butt ons



for a certain ti me.

Once the adjustment mode is entered, the butt ons



enable values to be increased, decreased or switched. One short

press on the butt on switches to the next adjustment, and pressing the butt on for 2 seconds at any ti me gives an exit from the
adjustments and return to the main display.


ng alarm values

The setup of each alarm consists of the level of the threshold, of the triggering edge, of the release
ti me aft er the alarm and the relay selecti on (Kit 4). If the threshold is set to OFF, briefl y pressing
goes to the setti ng up of the next alarm.

Threshold level

The limit setup value of the threshold depends on the unit selected, but corresponds
to 150 km/h for wind, -30°C / 80°C for temperature and 10 %rH / 90 %rH for humidity.
Decrementi ng the value to obtain OFF will de-acti vate the alarm.
Triggering edge

The trigger edge determines whether the measurement must be higher (rising edge -


) or

lower (falling edge -


) than the threshold for the alarm to be triggered.

Durati on of acti vati on

When an alarm is acti vated, it will be turned off when the alarm conditi ons are not met for x
The ti mes to be selected are: 0 s, 10 s, … 60 s, -- (infi nite; the alarm will not be automati cally
Selecti on of relay

(only Kit 4)

The desired relay can be selected depending on the alarm. It is possible for several alarms to operate the same relay.


ng the units

The measurement unit for wind speed can be selected from the following units: km/h, mph, knots, m/s and fps.
The measurement unit for temperature can be selected from the following units: °C, °F,


°F, °C, °F. The symbol

defi nes the perceived temperature, and the symbol indicates the dew-point temperature.

Adjusti ng the special parameters
The special parameters are the model of wind turbine and the acti vati on of the acousti c signal.

The turbine model

The turbine model determines the turbine calibrati on used by the instrument. In general for the SKYWATCH AWS, the model
Pr1 should be selected. The other turbine models are used for specifi c installati ons.
Acousti c signal

The acousti c signal can be turned on or not (saving energy) for 1 minute when an alarm occurs.


ng up the relays (only Kit 4)

The inacti ve state of each relay can be selected from no (normally open) and nc (normally closed).






Alarm n


Alarm 1

Alarm 2







Alarm 4

Alarm 3

Relay 1

Relay 2

Relay 4

Relay 3


Main display

0.5 s

2 s

4 s

6 s

8 s

Butt on-press

durati ons

