Home Legend Engineered HDF Click User Manual

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Doc. ID: 126

Rev: 3


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To assure the warranty is not inadvertently voided, before proceeding with any activity that is not covered in this manual, please contact our
Technical Support Department.

Acclimation and In-service Conditions
Acclimation is the process of adjusting (conditioning) the moisture content of hardwood flooring to the environment in which it is expected
to perform. The hardwood flooring is fully acclimated when its moisture content and dimensions (width and length) are stable. For
example, the averaged dimensions and moisture content remain constant for 3 consecutive days. Flooring must acclimate for as long as
necessary to reach fully acclimated stage. Acclimation time varies depending on geographical area, interior climate control and time of the
year. Minimum acclimation time is 72 hours. In open box, open plastic wrap.
Elevate cartons from the floor by placing them on 2”X 2” lumber or equivalence. Place spacers (3/4” to 1” sticks) between each layer or
cross stack the layers for maximum exposure to ambient conditions. Acclimation temperature range is 60°F-80°F and relative humidity (RH)
of 35%-55%. Conditions in which the floor was acclimated should be maintained continuously thereafter. Document as much acclimation
information as possible below.
Date: ______________
Relative Humidity (%):______
Temperature (°F): __ __
Subfloor Type:______________________
Subfloor Avg. Moisture Content (%):_______
Acclimation Period: ___________

Pre-acclimation Flooring Avg. Moisture
Content (%): _______
Pre-acclimation Flooring Width: __________
Pre-acclimation Flooring Length: _________

Post-acclimation Flooring Avg. Moisture
Content (%): _______
Post-acclimation Flooring Width: _________
Post-acclimation Flooring Length: _________

Job Site Condition
Prior to installation, the installer must ensure that at the time of installation, the job site conditions including subfloor/substrate, ambient
temperature and relative humidity, and all impacting variables will not negatively affect floor. Home Legend will decline responsibility for
damages associated with improper installation or poor site conditions.
Storage and Conditions
Do not store flooring in uncontrolled environmental conditions. For example, garages and exterior patios are not acceptable areas to store
flooring. Handle and unload wood flooring with care and store within the environmentally controlled site in which it is expected to perform.
Flooring stored on concrete slab should be elevated at least four inches to allow air circulation under cartons.
Existing Home
Existing home should have a consistent room temperature of 60°F-80°F and relative humidity (RH) of 35%-55%. Continual deviation from
these conditions will affect the dimensions of flooring. During heating season, humidity may be much lower than the acceptable range.
During heating season, a humidifier is recommended to prevent excess shrinkage flooring to low humidity levels. During the non-heating
season, humidity levels can be maintained by using an air conditioner, dehumidifier, or by turning on your heating system periodically.
New Construction or Remodel
All work involving water, such as pouring basement concrete floors, drywall and plasterwork, plumbing, etc. must be completed well in
advance of the floor delivery. Ensure that the building is enclosed. Where building codes allow, permanent heating and/or air conditioning
systems should be operating at least five days preceding installation to promote proper acclimation and should be maintained during and
after installation. If it is not possible for the permanent heating and/or air conditioning system to be operating before, during and after
installation, a temporary heating and/or dehumidification system that simulate normal living (occupied) conditions can enable the installation
to proceed until the permanent heating and/or air conditioning system is fully operational.
Your job site should have a consistent temperature of 60°F-80°F and relative humidity (RH) of 35%-55% which should be maintained
continuously thereafter.
Basements and Crawl Spaces
Concrete slab or ground must be dry. The ground in the crawl spaces must be completely covered using 6 mil black polyethylene. Crawl
space clearance between the earth and underside of joists should be no less than 18 inches and the perimeter vent area should be equal to
1.5% of the total square footage of the crawl space or as mandated by code.
Concrete Subfloor Requirements
It must have minimum rated strength of 3000 psi.
It must be flat. It should be flat to within 1/8” in a 6 foot span or 3/16” in a 10 foot span; no bumps or low spots. High spots can be removed
by grinding; depressions can be filled with patching compound formulated for use in floor installation.
It must be clean; no construction debris, soil, mud and any other objects on/or adhering to the floor; if necessary, scrape and sweep away
before the installation; no protrusions of nails, debris, metals should remain.
New concrete slab must cure for at least 60 days. It must have a minimum 10 mil polyethylene sheet between the ground and the concrete.
It must meet concrete moisture requirement below.
It must be free from moisture related conditions which can damage the installed flooring.
Light Weight Concrete
It is concrete which rated strength is less than 3000 psi.