ETS-Lindgren 6404 Helmholtz Coil User Manual
Page 6
Model 6406S or Split Base Helmholtz Coils
A standard ETS-Lindgren Helmholtz coil consists of two identical circular coils
placed in parallel and spaced one radius apart. The coils are both mounted to a
single base with an adjustable pedestal placed in the center to position the EUT.
Some EUT’s, however, do not fit conveniently on the pedestal. In these instances
a split base option may be ordered. Each coil is mounted on a separate wheeled
base for positioning on either side of the EUT, such as an automobile.
The Model 6406S Helmholtz Coil consists of two coils secured on separate base
mounts in the Helmholtz configuration which can be used as a low frequency
calibrator. The coil provides a magnetic field which is essentially homogenous
throughout the volume of a 0.60 meter (2 foot) cylinder in its center. The coil
forms are rigidly supported by a nonmetallic, nonmagnetic framework. The
supplied cable assembly and proper orientation of the coils insures that the
Helmholtz coil system is arranged in the series-aiding configuration.
ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin
See the ETS-Lindgren Product Information Bulletin included with your shipment
for the following:
• Warranty
Safety, regulatory, and other product marking information
Steps to receive your shipment
Steps to return a component for service
ETS-Lindgren calibration service
ETS-Lindgren contact information