0 introduction, References – ETS-Lindgren 7604 Shielded Coil Antenna User Manual
Page 7

1.0 Introduction
A number enclosed in a square bracket corresponds to the numbered
item in References.
The ETS-Lindgren Model 7604 Magnetic Field Pickup Coil is designed to
measure magnetic emissions to the specification limits in MIL-STD-461 [1] in
accordance with MIL-STD-462 [2], Method RE01. The design was originally
specified in MIL-STD-461A [3] and is also used in tests for compliance to other
specifications [4] and standards. The Model 7604 is normally connected to an
EMI meter for the range 20 Hz to over 500 kHz.
The international system of units (SI) is used throughout this manual. See
Appendix C on page 23 for the standard abbreviations, symbols, units, and their
MlL-STD-461 (MIL-STD-461C), Military Standard Electromagnetic
Emission and Susceptibility Requirements for the Control of
Electromagnetic Interference, Department of Defense, 4 Aug 1986.
MlL-STD-462, Military Standard Electromagnetic Interference
Characteristics, Measurement of, Department of Defense, 31 Jul 1967.
(with change notices 1 through 6, dated from 1 Aug 68 to 15 Oct 87).
MIL-STD-461A, Military Standard Electromagnetic Interference
Characteristics Requirements for Equipment, Department of Defense,
1 Aug 1968, pp 8 and 17.
Draft Space Station Electromagnetic Emission and Susceptibility
Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility, January 8, 1990.
Bronaugh, E.L., and W.S. Lambdin, Electromagnetic Interference Test
Methodology and Procedures, Vol 6 of A Handbook Series on
Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Interference Control
Technologies, Inc., Gainesville, VA 22065, 1988, pp 4.22 and 11.2.
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