Eden DC-210XLT Metro 2003 User Manual

Page 6

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Gain Control

This controls the available gain to the first preamplifier stage. For normal operation
run the input Gain between 9:00 and 2:00 for most instruments.

-12 dB Pad

Pulling out on the Gain Control knob operates the control and results in a signal
reduction of –12dB at the input.

Enhance Control

This is complex tone shaping network. It is designed to slightly boost the lower
frequencies. To scoop out the low midrange and add a boost to the high
frequencies all at the same time. The control is designed to give you a quick and
simple way to get a good modern Bass tone. The 12:00 position is considered to be
maximum effect on this control, and minimum is off. This control can be used
alone or with other tone controls.

Compressor and the Compressor Bypass Switch

This switch allows you to defeat or bypass the front end Compressor/Limiter. The
Compressor in your unit is a fixed threshold style compressor. You adjust the
amount of compression by turning the gain up or down until you get the desired
amount of compressor action that you want. You may find the bypass useful for
getting the maximum transients and increased punch when you are popping or

The Main Tone Control Section

Bass Control

This control operates a shelving type filter that will cut or boost the low bass signal
by +/- 15 dB at 30 Hz. The response from this control is flat at 12:00 o’clock.
This control gives a very solid feel to the bass. It is very effective on 5, 6 and 7
string Basses.

Treble Control