Code 3 RLS User Manual

Page 12

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Switch Operation - 399xR Control Head, Hit-N-Go Mode Selected

Function Description

RADIO - In the RADIO position, the audio from the 2-way radio is rebroadcast over the siren speaker. Note: the
siren tones are disabled in this mode. The Air Horn switch will operate normally.

STANDBY - In STANDBY mode no siren tone is produced. If the MANUAL button is depressed the Manual wail
tone will ramp up until it reaches a peak then ramp down when released. If the AIR HORN button is depressed,
the Air Horn sound will be produced.

WAIL - This mode produces the Wail tone. Depressing the AIR HORN button will produce the Air Horn sound
and when released will return siren to Wail tone. The Remote/Horn Ring input will activate the Interclear output
and cause the tone to change to Yelp for approximately 60 seconds.

YELP - This position produces the Yelp tone. Pushing the MANUAL button will produce the Manual Wail tone
until released. If the AIRHORN button is pushed, the Airhorn sound will be produced and when released will
return the siren to Yelp. The Remote/Horn Ring input will activate the Interclear output and cause the tone to
change to HyperYelp for approximately 60 seconds.
HI-LO - This position produces the Hi-Lo tone. Pushing the MANUAL button will Manual Wail tone until
released. If the AIRHORN button is pushed, the Airhorn sound will be produced and when released will return
siren to Hi-Lo. The Remote/Horn Ring input will activate the Interclear output and cause the tone to change to
HyperLo for approximately 60 seconds.

Push-to-Talk (PTT) Microphone Switch - Keying the microphone will automatically override whatever mode
the siren is in and broadcast public address messages over the siren speaker.

MANUAL Pushbutton Momentary Switch - Produces the Manual tone as described above.

AIR HORN Pushbutton Momentary Switch- Produces the Air Horn tone as described above.

SLIDE SWITCH - The slide switch located on the front of the siren amplifier selects the function for the
REMOTE (external switch) circuitry. When the siren is in standby mode and switch is to the right, the Horn
Ring circuitry remotely "depresses" the AIR HORN button and it produces the effects outlined above. When the
slide switch is to the left, it allows the REMOTE circuitry to remotely "depress" the MANUAL pushbutton. This
causes the effects described above to occur.

Switch Operation - 399xR Control Head, Scroll Mode Selected

The " Scroll " mode is designed to allow the user to scroll through Wail, Yelp, HyperYelp and Airhorn tones by
utilizing the Remote input on the siren. This will usually be connected to the vehicle Horn Ring circuit. When the
three level lighting control switch is in postition 2 or 3, the Horn Ring transfer relay is energized. The user can
use the Horn Ring to sequence through Wail,Hyperyelp and Yelp by applying a quick, sharp tap on the horn.
Additional taps will scroll the siren to the next tone. Depressing the horn for longer periods will produce "

Function Selection

RADIO - In the RADIO position, the audio from the 2-way radio is rebroadcast over the siren speaker. Note: the
siren tones are disabled in this mode. The Air Horn switch will operate normally.

STANDBY - In STANDBY mode no siren tone is produced. If the MANUAL button is depressed the Manual wail
tone will ramp up until it reaches a peak then ramp down when released. If the AIR HORN button is depressed,
the Air Horn sound will be produced.