Inspection, Precision movement, Types of dial wrenches – CDI Torque TORQUE WRENCHES Dial Type User Manual

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Inspect all wrenches repaired to determine that they are in an operational condition by
visually inspecting for worn, broken, cracked or damaged parts. Replace parts not found
to be in satisfactory condition.

Some customer’s abuse torque wrenches and damage them beyond repair. The most
common abuse is the placing of an extension or cheater bar on the handle end of the
wrench. This type of misuse is evident if the plate, handle or the drive is bent, or there are
cheater bar marks on the handle near the plate. DO NOT REPAIR the wrench if it shows
signs of this type of misuse. The component parts may be permanently damaged. The
SAFETY and INTEGRITY of the wrench could be impaired. Recommend that the
wrench be replaced.

Types of Dial Wrenches

There are three types of Dial Wrenches. They are:

Plain Dial- A single pointer shows applied torque on the scale.

Dial with Signal - Allows a pre-set torque value to be set on the wrench. When the set
torque value is applied a signal indicates that the set torque value has been reached.
CDI produces dial wrenches that have an electric light or an electric light and audible
buzzer that is illuminated when the set torque value is reached.

Dial with Memory Indicator – An auxiliary pointer is used to indicate the maximum
torque value applied to the wrench. The memory pointer remains at the highest
applied torque value until it is reset to zero.

Precision Movement

A precision movement controls dial wrench
accuracy. Damage to the movement cased by
misuse or abuse of the wrench can not be
repaired and must be replaced. Care must be
taken in the use and storage of dial wrenches,
as they are precision measuring instruments.