Cub Cadet 48-inch User Manual
Page 28

F. Deck leveling Procedure
Park the mower on a flat paved surface, engage
the parking brake, shut off the engine, remove
the key from the ignition switch, disconnect the
spark plug wires and using the transport lever,
lower the mowing deck into the 4" height of cut
position. (The 4" height of cut position is recom-
mended in order for one to see and obtain a
measurement. Any height of cut position is
acceptable as long as a proper measurement
can be taken.)
Check the right and left front tire pressure.
Adjust as necessary to 20-25 psi. Tire pressure
can affect blade height by as much as a 1/4”.
Check the right and left rear Drive tire pressure.
Adjust as necessary to 8-10 psi.
Measure blade-to-ground height at the front tip
of the right blade. To obtain an accurate mea-
sure, align blades in parallel with mower center-
line, (i.e. front to back).
Measure blade-to-ground height at the front tip
of the left blade. Be sure to measure at the
blade tip with the blades arranged in proper
To level the deck, adjust the eyebolt at the left
front of the deck (Point B) so that the blade-to-
ground height at the right front blade tip
matches that of the left front blade tip. This is
done by loosening the jam nuts on the eyebolt
and tightening the upper nut to raise the deck
and loosening the nut to lower the deck. The
right front blade tip height is fixed so you must
adjust the left front tip to match it.
Measure the blade-to-ground height at the right
rear blade tip. Again be sure to measure at the
blade tip at the rear of the right blade when
aligned along the mower centerline. The blade-
to-ground height at the rear of the blade tip
should be 1/8" to 1/4” higher than the front tip.
This is referred to as blade pitch. The sam
height difference should be true for the left
blade, measured front and back.
To adjust the blade pitch the deck pitch must be
adjusted. Loosen the inner jam nuts at the rear
of the horizontal threaded rods. Start at Point C
to raise the rear of the deck, tighten the rear
outer jam nut to raise the deck pitch. Adjust the
rear jam nut at Point D to take the “slack out of
the threaded rod.
The final adjustment would be to take the “slack”
out of the left rear linkage (Point D) by adjusting
the jam nuts on the eyebolt. Loosen the jam
nuts and tighten the upper nut to remove “slack”.
10. In many cases it will be necessary to adjust
deck height using both eyebolt adjustments and
pitch adjustment to achieve the correct blade-to-
ground heights. If you remember that the front
right blade tip adjustment is fixed and you level
to that height, adjusting the decks will be simpli-
11. Once the deck is level one may find that the
height of cut does not match the height of cut
indicator. A final adjustment may be made by
lowering or raising the height of cut link accord-
ingly. To raise the deck: remove the shoulder
bolt mounting the height of cut link to the lift han-
dle and reassemble the shoulder bolt in the low-
est of the three holes. To lower the deck: remove
the shoulder bolts mounting the height of cut
link, flip the height of cut link around and reas-
semble the shoulder bolts in the top of the set of
three holes and the bottom hole. (see Fig. 12)
Point D
Point C
Jam Nuts
Point B
Height of Cut LInk
Figure. 12
Point A