Observer iv – Cingular IV User Manual
Page 14

Only those fields corresponding to the configured functions need to be filled out. If email image
delivery or notification is not required then those fields may be left blank. If text message
notification is not selected on the operating page then the cell phone number may be left blank.
Test and Troubleshoot
Modem Configuration/Cellular Service
Image Delivery Test
Notification Test
Text Message Receive Test
Serial No.- 0103052
This page allows the user to initiate tests that check for proper camera configuration and verify
that communications can be established with the Internet via the cellular service. Configure the
camera as necessary for your application, then use these tests to verify correct operation.
Note that the cellular modem transmits during these tests. FCC regulations require that a
minimum separation of 20 cm be maintained between the device antenna and the human body.
Users should adhere to this regulation while performing these tests.
Modem Configuration/Cellular Service – This test will report the status of the wireless modem
and cellular connection.
Image Delivery Test – This link will activate the camera and deliver an image according to the
current configuration.
Notification Test – This link will send a notification message in the manner currently configured.
Text Message Reception Test – This link can be used to verify that the camera can receive an
text message from a cellular phone. The camera phone number is visible in the results of the
Modem Configuration/Cellular Service test.