Tri-Tronics Companion User Manual
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If you are unfamiliar with training with Remote
Trainers, our Customer Service Department will be
happy to direct you to some resources. We have several
books, videos, and training booklets covering different
aspects of the use of Remote Trainers. For more
information, contact Tri-Tronics Customer Service
at 1-800-456-4343.
Avoid Making Your Dog “Collar- Wise.” A “c o l l a r- w i s e ”
dog is one that has learned that he might be corrected
if he’s wearing the collar, and that he won’t be corrected
if he’s not wearing it. Dogs don’t automatically become
“collar-wise” from being trained with the Companion,
but they can if they learn to compare results. Here
are some tips to follow to prevent this:
First, if you are using the collar for reinforcing
commands, do not work the dog without the collar
on until his habit of obeying your commands is
established. This way you don’t put the dog in a
position where he is likely to disobey a command
and you can’t correct him. In other words, consistency
in reinforcing a command is what keeps your dog
from becoming “collar-wise.”
Second, if you are using the collar to stop misbehaviors,
like chasing, digging, or jumping up, put the collar on
the dog well before you plan to correct him with it
(20 minutes minimum). This way, he will not relate
having the collar put on to the correction he receives.
Be sure that his problem behavior has been eliminated
before you put him in a situation where he could
misbehave and not be corrected because the collar
isn’t on.
Working the Dog with the Companion
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