Sound parameter tabs – SONiVOX Twist User Manual
Page 17
Sound Parameter Tabs
The Sound Parameter Tabs at the top of the Pattern Generator control the different parameters
on the Sound Page. The Note Offset tab is the most important one as it sets the pitch of the
note played on each step (see the Note Offset section for more information).
To enable a Sound Parameter Tab, click the button under the desired tab. The enabled tab
button will then be lit.
Enabling the tabs will change the sound of your Patch. When you stop playback, the
parameters on the Sound Page will stay on whatever the last sound was that was set the
Pattern Generator on the Pattern Page, even if you turn the Pattern Generator off. If you
want to be able to revert back to your original Patch's settings, remember to save your
Patch before enabling the tabs.
All Sound Parameter Tabs work identically to the Velocity section (described in the
Velocity section). The only exception is the LFO Sync tab. Its values are similar to the
Note Offset tab in that you can set discrete values. When a step is drawn at its maximum
value, the LFO is synced to 32nd-notes (1/32). At its minimum value, the LFO is synced
with whole notes (1/1).