Wireless network configuration (wlan) – Pro-Ject Audio Systems Stream Box DS + User Manual

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© Audio Trade GmbH · Pro-Ject Stream Box DS+ · Version: November 15th, 2012

Wireless network configuration (WLAN)

First make sure that the WlAN antenna delivered with the unit is connected to the back of the Stream Box
DS+ correctly.

Please select the menu Settings and then Network. Now go to

Wireless and confirm.

If the Stream Box DS+ was in wired network mode before, the unit
informs you, that it has to reset for a change to wireless connection mode
and asks, if you want it to do that. Please confirm with


. The Stream

Box DS+ now performs a reset.

After the reset the Stream Box DS+ shows the WlAN configuration menu.
The symbol in the upper right corner of the display shows that at least
one WlAN network is available.
Select and confirm Scan. Now the Stream Box DS+ performs a search
for locally available WlAN networks.

After the search is finished, the display now shows all found networks,
in our example it is only one. Select your own home network. You can
find the name of your WlAN network in the setup menu of your network
router or ask the person, who installed your network. confirm your
selection with



In the next step you have to enter your WlAN encryption key. You can
find it in the setup menu of you network router or ask the person, who
installed your network. You can enter characters either by pushing


keys repeatedly, until the desired character is shown in the

lowest line. or, as a more a more convenient and faster option, you
can employ the alphanumeric keys of the remote control. The use of
the alphanumeric keys is very similar to the respective keys of a mobile
phone, e.g. to write a SmS. All letters are printed on the remote control
above the numeric keys. You have to push the particular key several
times, until the desired character is displayed. First you will see the