Cooper Bussmann BRICK 6125TD User Manual
Page 32

Title: Engineering Product Specification Telecom Circuit Protector
Revision: L
Printed on: 7/14/2003
This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design
applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of
any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a
product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.
13.10 High Frequency Vibration Test
MIL-STD-202, Method 204D, Test Condition D, except:
13.10.1 Test boards mounted to a shock test fixture, which in turn was mounted to the table of the shock
13.10.2 Samples subjected to a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of 20g peak
13.10.3 Vibration frequency is varied logarithmically from 10 to 2,000 Hz.
13.10.4 Cycle is performed 12 times in each of the three mutually perpendicular directions.
13.10.5 At the completion of the last cycle, resistance readings are taken after temperature stabilization.
The change in resistance from the original value is calculated and recorded.
13.10.6 After the vibration test is completed, the samples undergo the non-destructive 100% current
carry test and then the destructive Current Overload Test.
13.11 Resistance to Solvents Test
MIL-STD-202, Method 215A
Due to the similarities of constructions for TCP1.25A and TCP2A, environmental tests were
performed on TCP1.25A only.
14. END