Dell P190s Monitor User Manual
Page 8

Operating the Monitor:Dell P170S/P190S Flat Panel Monitor User's Guide
file:///S|/SSA_Proposal/P170S_P190S/UG/operate.htm[7/8/2011 4:48:31 PM]
Positioning moves the viewing area around on the monitor screen.
When making changes to either the Horizontal or Vertical settings, no changes occur to the size of the viewing area. The image shifts in response to your selection.
Minimum is 0 (-) and maximum is 100 (+).
When using DVI source, the Positioning option is not available.
Auto Adjust
Even though your computer recognizes your monitor on startup, the Auto Adjustment function optimizes the display settings for use with your particular setup.
Select to activate automatic setup and adjustment. The following dialog appears on a black screen as the monitor self-adjusts to the current input:
Auto Adjustment allows the monitor to self-adjust to the incoming video signal. After using Auto Adjustment, you can further tune your monitor by using the Pixel
Clock (Coarse) and Phase (Fine) controls under Image Settings.
In most cases, Auto Adjust produces the best image for your configuration.
Image settings: The Phase and Pixel Clock adjustments allow you to more closely adjust your monitor to your preference. These settings are accessed through the main OSD menu,
by selecting Image Settings.
Pixel Clock
Use the - and + buttons to make adjustments. (Minimum: 0 ~ Maximum: 100)
If satisfactory results are not obtained using the Phase adjustment, use Pixel Clock (Coarse) and then use Phase (fine), again.
This function may change the width of the display image. Use the Horizontal function of the Position menu to center the display image on the screen.