Classe Audio SSP-60 User Manual
Page 27

Setup for recording Audio to an analog two-channel tape machine is described below. When the primary source
is digital, you must be sure you connect the analog output from the digital source to the same SOURCE the digital
audio is assigned to.
6.2.1 SSP _ TAPE. Use a two-channel analog audio cable to connect the analog REC, REC1 or REC2 outputs of the
SSP-60 to the record input of the Tape Machine or other analog recording component.
6.2.2 TAPE _ SSP. Use a two-channel analog audio cable to connect the analog output from your Tape Machine to
any analog audio only Input (AUD 1 through AUD 4). Follow the usual recording component instructions for recording.
Setup for recording a digital audio signal plus Video to a digital Audio/Video recording device is described
There is one digital audio output. The digital output signal is the same data as input to the currently accessed
digital audio input. If you are watching a Movie from a DVD player and wish to record it for future viewing you
can use a digital VCR or other digital recording component.
6.3.1 SSP _ D-VCR. Use a digital TOSlink cable to connect the output from the SSP-60’s DIGITAL OUT to the digital
input of the digital recording component.
6.3.2 SSP _ D-VCR Use an S-Video or Composite video cable to connect the REC S-Video or Composite video output
of the SSP-60 to the S-Video or Composite video input of the recording component.
6.3.3 SSP _ D-VCR Use an S-Video or Composite video cable to connect the free S-Video or Composite video Monitor
output of the SSP-60 to the S-Video or Composite video input of the recording component. This is a useful
workaround if you are using the REC video output to feed an analog VCR.
6.3.4 D-VCR _ SSP. Use a digital Coaxial or TOSlink cable to connect the digital output of the of the digital recording
component to any available digital inputs (COAX 1 through COAX 4, or TOSlink 1or TOSlink 2 or AES/EBU).
6.3.5 D-VCR _ SSP. Use an S-Video or Composite video cable to connect the video out of the DVD player or Satellite
receiver, etc. , that you wish to record, to the same SOURCE the digital input is assigned to, and to which the
analog audio is connected. (S-Video will convert to Composite, but not vice-versa). Do not connect to REC. Follow the usual recording component instructions for recording. The digital output of the SSP-60’s DIGITAL OUT
always follows the digital input assigned to the currently selected source.
6.4.1 SSP _ D-VCR. Use a TOSlink cable to connect the output of the SSP-60’s digital out to the digital input of the
digital recording component.
6.4.2 D-VCR _ SSP. Use a digital Coaxial or TOSlink cable to connect the digital output of the of the digital recording
component to any available digital inputs (COAX 1 through COAX 4, or TOSlink 1or TOSlink 2 or AES/EBU).