Chicago Electric 66891 User Manual

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background image

SKU 66891

For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.

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important SaFetY

inFormation ............................ 3

general power tool

SaFetY warningS.......................3

ViBration SaFetY .........................6

grounding ................................. 7

douBle inSulated toolS:

toolS witH two prong

plugS .............................................7

extenSion CordS .........................8
SYmBologY .....................................8

SpeCiFiCationS .......................... 9
unpaCking .................................. 9


inStruCtionS For putting

into uSe .................................... 9

operating inStruCtionS ...... 9

tool Set up ....................................9
work pieCe and work area

Set up .......................................... 11

general operating

inStruCtionS ............................12

maintenanCe and

SerViCing ............................... 12

Cleaning, maintenanCe, and

luBriCation ...............................12

limited 90 daY warrantY .... 13

trouBleSHooting ......................14

partS liSt ................................. 15
pleaSe read tHe

Following CareFullY ....... 15

aSSemBlY diagram ................ 16