Gamo P-25 Blowback Tactical User Manual

Page 20

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eye aNd ear protectIoN Is stroNgly recoMMeNded. safe guN haNdlINg procedures

Must be used at all tIMes. all dIschargINg of fIrearMs should be doNe at aN approved raNge

or equally safe area.

If a bore sIghtINg collIMator or aNy other bore obstructINg devIce was used, It

Must be reMoved before proceedINg. aN obstructIoN caN cause serIous daMage to the guN aNd

possIble persoNal INjury to yourself or others Nearby.













6) At an approved range or other safe area, complete the zeroing procedures. Make approximately one-half of the

required windage correction, then approximately one-half of the required elevation correction.

Finish by applying the balance of windage and elevation correction. Making large adjustments in two small increments

will prevent damage to the scope’s spring.

From a steady rest position, fire three rounds at a target 50 yards away. Observe the point of impact on the target and

adjust windage and elevation screws as needed to correct aim, and move the reticle to the area of the target where the

three bullets impacts are (see page 11). Repeat if necessary.

4) Look though the scope and into the collimator. Inside you will see a reference grid. If necessary, rotate the collimator

until the grid lines match vertically and horizontally with the reticle vectors.

5) Adjust the windage and elevation turrets until the Red Dot lines up with the center of the collimator’s grid.

Pre-zeroing the scope is now complete. Remove the collimator and bore stud from the barrel and secure it in the supplied


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