Gamo P-25 Blowback Tactical User Manual
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Not a toy. adult supervIsIoN requIred. MIsuse or careless use May cause serIous
INjury or death. May be daNgerous up to 224 yards (205 Meters).
this is a high powered airgun intended for use by those 16 years of age or older. read all instructions before
using. the purchaser and user should conform to all laws governing use and ownership of airguns.
lead aIrguN aMMuNItIoN coNtaINs a cheMIcal kNowN to the state of calIforNIa
to cause caNcer aNd bIrth defects (or other reproductIve harM). do Not INhale dust or put
pellets IN Mouth. wash haNds after haNdlINg.
• Do not install a magazine which contains ammunition into the gun until you are ready to shoot. If you do install
a magazine which contains ammunition into the gun and then decide not to shoot, either manually remove the
magazine from the gun or shoot the remaining ammunition at a safe target.
safety rules:
read thIs INstructIoN MaNual coMpletely.
this airgun is not a toy. treat it with the same respect you would a firearm.
always carefully follow the safety directions found in this instruction manual
and keep this manual in a safe place for future use.