Controls and features – FORD 2001 Crown Victoria User Manual

Page 81

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Canadian Programming

During programming, your hand-held transmitter may automatically stop
transmitting after two seconds which may not be long enough to
program the HomeLink

௡ Universal Transceiver.

To program your hand-held
• Continue to hold the button on

the HomeLink

௡ Universal


• Press and re-press the hand-held

transmitter button every two
seconds until the red light changes from a slow to a fast flash.

Operating the HomeLink

Universal Transceiver

Once programmed, the HomeLink

Universal Transceiver can be used in
place of hand-held transmitters. To
operate, simply press and release
the appropriate HomeLink

௡ button

(the red light will illuminate,
indicating the signal is being

Rolling code programming

Rolling code garage door openers (or other rolling code devices) which
are “code protected” and manufactured after 1996, may be determined
by the following:
• Reference the device owner’s manual for verification
• The hand-held transmitter appears to program the HomeLink௡

Universal Transceiver but does not activate the device.

• Press and hold the trained HomeLink௡ button. The device has the

rolling code feature if the indicator light flashes rapidly and then turns
solid after two seconds.

After completing the “Programming” functions, follow these steps to
train a garage door opener with the rolling code feature:

Controls and features