Safety statement, Important safety instructions – Fitbit Zip User Manual
Page 24

המאתה רושיא
.רצומה לש יראלודומה קלחב ינכט יוניש לכ עצבל ןיא
-. 사용 주파수 (Used frequency):
2402 MHz-2480 MHz
-. 채널수 (The number of channels): 40
-. 공중선전계강도 (Antenna power): 1.2 dBi
-. 변조방식 (Type of the modulation): Digital
-. 안테나타입 (Antenna type):
-. 출력 (Output power):
1.32 mW/MHz E.I.R.P.
-. 안테나 종류 (Type of Antenna): PCB
KCC approval information
1) Equipment name (model name) : 무선데이터통신시스템용 특정소출력무선기기 FB301
2) Certificate number :
3) Applicant :
Fitbit, Inc.
4) Manufacture:
Fitbit, Inc.
5) Manufacture / Country of origin: P.R.C.
Safety Statement
This equipment has been tested to comply with safety certification in accordance
with the specifications of EN Standard: EN60950-1:2006 + A12: 2011.
The complete Declaration of Conformity can be found at
Important Safety Instructions
Read these instructions.
Keep these instructions.