FASS T 200G User Manual
Page 11

Fuel lines, excluding nylon type fuel lines, in excess of 6 years old should be replaced due to interior
lining deterioration. This condition can cause many problems including but not limited to: fuel
starvation, uneven fuel tank levels and etc.
When routing the return line from the FASS Fuel System, you will need to first identify your current
fuel system. Now match with the correct fuel line section below and follow the corresponding proce-
dures. Uneven fuel level conditions can occur between the tanks if the pickup/return lines are im-
properly installed.
Most Popular - Usually on 1994 Trucks & Newer including Volvo and Mercedes Engines:
Double Draw/Double Return Line System. FASS fuel line kit (FLK-S03) or Double Vent Return Line
Kit for trucks without the extra port of the fuel tanks(FLK-SO6)should have all of the product to com-
plete this process
2nd Most Popular - Usually on 1993 Trucks & Older (except 359 Peterbilt - next selection):
Single Draw/Single Return Line System. FASS fuel line kit (FLK-S02) should have all of the product
to complete this process
359 Peterbilt: Single Draw Out of Cross Over Fuel Line/Single Return Line System
Dual Tank Recommendation:
1st Choice - Convert to a complete Double Draw/Double Return Line System(FLK-S03) or Double
Vent Return Line Kit (FLK-S06).
2nd Choice - Convert to a true Single Draw/Single Return Line System FLK-S02).
For optimal engine performance gains, the return line should return to its own port.
DD15 - DD15 Supply/Double Return Fuel Line Kit (FLK-S07) should have all of the product to com-
plete this process