EcoPure MW_MW30_7301415A User Manual

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Miracle Water Installation & Operation Manual

ed. A water softener removes the hardness minerals to eliminate these problems, and others.
Sodium Information: Water softeners using sodium chloride (salt) for regeneration and add

sodium to the water. Persons on sodium restricted diets should consider the added sodium as

part of their overall intake.


IRON in water is measured in parts per million (ppm). The total* ppm of iron, and type or types*,

is determined by chemical analysis. Four different types of iron in water are:


Ferrous (clear water),


Ferric (red water),


Bacterial and organically bound iron,


Colloidal and inorganically bound iron (ferrous or ferric).

*Water may contain one or more of the four types of iron and any combination of these. Total

iron is the sum of the contents.


Ferrous (clear water) iron is soluble and dissolves in water. It is usually detected by taking a

sample of water in a clear bottle or glass. Immediately after taking, the sample is clear. As the

water sample stands, it gradually clouds and turns slightly yellow or brown as air oxidizes the

iron. This usually occurs in 15 to 30 minutes.

This unit will reduce moderate amounts of this

type of iron (see specifications).
When using the softener to remove Ferrous (clear water) iron, add 5 grains to the hard-

ness setting for every 1 ppm of Ferrous (clear water) iron.

Ferric (red water), and 3 Bacterial and organically bound irons are insoluble. This iron is vis-

ible immediately when drawn from a faucet because it has oxidized before reaching the home.

It appears as small cloudy yellow, orange, or reddish suspended particles. After the water stands

for a period of time, the particles settle to the bottom of the container. Generally these irons are

removed from water by filtration. Chlorination is also recommended for bacterial iron.

This unit

will not reduce ferric or bacterial iron.

Colloidal and inorganically bound iron is of ferric or ferrous form that will not filter or exchange

out of water. In some instances, treatment may improve colloidal iron water, but always CON-

SULT A QUALIFIED WATER CHEMISTRY LAB before attempting to treat it. Colloidal iron water

usually has a yellow appearance when drawn. After standing for several hours, the color per-

sists and the iron does not settle, but remains suspended in the water.
Iron in water causes stains on clothing and plumbing fixtures. It negatively affects the taste of

food, drinking water, and other beverages.

This unit will not reduce colloidal iron.


ACIDITY or acid water is caused by carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sometimes industri-

al wastes. It is corrosive to plumbing, plumbing fixtures, water heaters, and other water using

appliances. In can also damage and cause premature failure of seals, diaphragms, etc., in water

handling equipment.
A chemical analysis is needed to measure the degree of acidity in water. This is called the pH

of water. Water testing below 6.9 pH is acidic. The lower the pH reading, the greater the acidi-

ty. A neutralizer filter or a chemical feed pump are usually recommended to treat acid water.


SEDIMENT is fine, foreign material particles suspended in water. This material is most often clay

or silt. Extreme amounts of sediment may give the water a cloudy appearance.

A sediment fil-

ter installed ahead of the water softener normally corrects this situation.