Humboldt H-1449 Vacuum Extractor User Manual
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1. Scope
This is to determine bitumen content of hot paving mixtures by use of the vacuum
extractor. The aggregate remaining after extraction of the bitumen may be used for sieve
analysis. This test is designed for field control work on freshly mixed hot paving mixtures,
but may be adapted for other uses.
2. Apparatus
Vacuum extractor complete with vacuum pump, gasket, rubber tubing, filter paper,
support plate and funnel ring, similar to that shown in Fig 1. The vacuum extractor is
currently available in two sizes, (1) 12" filtering surface using 33 cm. diameter filters
and (2) 10" diameter filter surface using 29 cm. filters. The larger extractor has a test
specimen capacity of 2000 to 3000 grams, the smaller extractor has a test specimen
capacity of 1400 to 1900 grams.
2.1 Filter paper, medium grade, fast filtering of the diameter required to fit the
2.2 Gas hot plate 3-burner with steel plate cover and thin pad.
2.3 Metal beaker, stainless steel, and nine-quart capacity.
2.4 Two (2) 4000 ml glass Erlenmeyer flasks.
2.5 Glass graduated 500 ml capacity.
2.6 Plastic wash bottle 500 ml capacity, filled with methylene chloride.
2.7 Dial thermometer 50°F to 180°F.
2.8 White enameled drying pan 9" x 16" x 2 ½".
2.9 Mixing spoon 12" long.
2.10 Spatula 9" long.
2.11 Torsion balance 4000 gm capacity and set of weights.
2.12 Stiff bristled brush, 1" wide.
2.13 Diatomaceous silca filtering aid conforming to ASTM D604, Type A (Celite)
Note 1: Use apparatus listed under 2(N), (O), (P), and (Q), only with hard to filter
mixes as in method B.
2.14 1000 ml. Erlenmeyer flask.
2.15 4" diameter watch glass.
2.16 Metal tongs, 6" to 8" long.
2.17 Denatured ethyl alcohol (alcohol)
2.18 Methylene chloride
3. Sample Preparation
The test specimen shall be that obtained by a tube sampler and not further reduced
in size, or be the end result of splitting or quartering of a large sample conforming
to AASHTO T168. The size of the test specimen shall be governed by the nominal
maximum size of particle of mineral aggregate in the mixture. The approximate minimum
size of test specimen shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 1. Introduce
the specimen into the tare metal beaker and weigh to the nearest 0.1 gm. If specimen
temperature at this point is above 130°F, it should be allowed to cool to a temperature