Cooper Bussmann EMN IF677 User Manual
Installation & maintenance information, If677

EMN Series Manual Line Starters and Enclosures are used to
provide motor starting protection and manual across-the-line
starting and stopping of single and poly-phase AC motors.
EMN Series Manual Line Starters and Enclosures are suitable for
use in Class I, Groups C, D; Class II, Groups E, F, G and
Class III hazardous (classified) locations, as defined by the
National Electric Code® as well as in damp, wet or corrosive
EMN Series Manual Line Starters and Enclosures should be
installed, inspected, maintained, and operated by qualified and
competent personnel.
1. Select a mounting location that will provide suitable strength
and rigidity for supporting all contained wiring and control
devices. Figure 1 shows the mounting dimensions of EMN
Series enclosures. Drill two 7/16 inch mounting holes.
2. Securely fasten enclosure to the mounting surface then
attach into conduit system.
3. Remove the six cover bolts then lift cover off and carefully set
it aside to prevent damage to the ground joint.
4. EMN Enclosure furnished with starter: Remove starter
from enclosure then pull wires into enclosure making sure
that they are long enough to make the required connections.
EMN Manual Motor Starter Enclosures ordered
complete with starter are furnished with heaters. One heater
is furnished with two-pole AC or DC starters and three
heaters with three-pole starters.
EMN Enclosure furnished without starter: Select starter
from Table 1 on page 2 (ordered separately). Install heaters
on starter (ordered separately). Refer to heater selector
listings. Pull wires into enclosure.
5. Mount starter into enclosure and make electrical connections
utilizing the wiring scheme established for the starter.
Hazardous location information specifying class and group
listing of each device is marked on the nameplate of each
enclosure. Also note that:
No conduit openings are to be added in the field.
All unused conduit openings must be plugged and these
plugs must be a minimum of 1/8 in. thick and have a minimum
of five threads engaged.
All conduits entering and leaving the enclosure must be
sealed with explosion-proof seals within 18 in. of the
Motor Starter
EMN Series Manual Line Starters and Enclosures
Installation & Maintenance Information
To provide protection against fire or shock hazard, the
electrical power must be OFF before and during instal-
lation and maintenance.
Hammers or prying tools must not be allowed to damage
the flat ground-joint surfaces. Do not handle the covers
roughly, or place them on surfaces that might damage or
scratch the flat ground-joint surfaces.
Figure 1 - Dimensions
IF 677 • 03/03
Copyright © 2003, Cooper Industries, Inc.
Page 1
National Electrical Code ® is a registered Trademark of the National Fire Protection Association.