CTEK M4400E SkyRouter User Manual
Page 18

Part Number 91-601-01
Release 1.00
SMS Destination Address – The MIN (mobile phone number) or email address to which the SMS message will be sent.
MIN must be 10 numeric characters with no spaces or punctuation. Any email address in the form
Anything@Any_Domain will be accepted.
SMS Alert Message – The text of the message to be sent when the relay interface activates. Limited to 100 characters
maximum. Only printable ASCII characters in the range of 32 – 126 decimal (20 – 7E hex) can be included in the
4.2.4 Configuring The Relay Output (Driver) Interface
This screen configures the connection characteristics of the relay output interface and defines the service associated with
this interface. Currently, the relay output interface can be activated by an SMS message or from a button that can be
defined on the Advertising screen described in the Services section.
Appendix A contains schematic information concerning the relay output configuration.
Set Relay Output State – Used to set the current state of the relay driver circuit. The relay driver can be activated and
deactivated by changing this setting and pressing update.
Relay Shut Off Timer – The relay driver circuit will revert to its default setting after the number of minutes or seconds
specified by this parameter. The two second setting is useful for resetting end point equipment.