CTEK M4400E SkyRouter User Manual

Page 14

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Part Number 91-601-01

Release 1.00


Disabled – Turn off WAN connection
Enabled – Turn off WAN connection

Use Network’s Dynamic IP Address
– For most networks this will be the correct selection.

Use The Following Static IP Address – If your selected network is capable of provisioning a static IP address to your
application check this box and enter the assigned IP address. See TechNotes for network specific set up.

Enable LCP echo packets – Used on some International networks. For all US networks LCP echo packets should be
turned off, meaning this box should be unchecked. If you have questions check with Ctek support.

Select DNS Type – Used to select the appropriate protocol for your Dynamic DNS.

1) None – DDNS will not be used.

– Use Ctek Enhanced Wireless DDNS with SMS updates.



Use Ctek Enhanced Wireless DDNS with UDP updates over the EV-DO/1XRTT Air Interface

4) Standard

UDP – Use a standard BIND, MS2000, or MS2003 DDNS server

Device Name – Establishes the name by which this particular SkyRouter will be known at the Name Server. This entry
must be a fully qualified device name and domain and is limited to 40 characters in total. It is limited to one level of name
space definition meaning that all characters to the right of the first “dot” will be assumed to be a component of the
resolving server. An example would be where ctek01 is the name of an individual SkyRouter and is the name of the resolving server.

Primary and Secondary Name Server – Enter the IP address of the designated Name Server. Name resolution is not
performed on this entry meaning that a numeric IP address of the resolving server is required.

Provide Network Name Server Facilities – Selecting Yes causes this SkyRouter to provide Name Server services to
client SkyRouters configured to use it. If this option is selected additional set up in the Name Services screen will be