Cooper Instruments & Systems Model 3i Basic Force/Torque Indicator User Manual

Page 20

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Model 3i Digital Force/Torque Indicator

User’s Guide


11.4 Beeps

Audible tones can be enabled for all key presses and alerts, such as overload, set point value reached,
etc. The Set Point alert can be configured to be either a momentary tone or a continuous tone (until the
load is restored to a value between the set points). To configure the functions for which audible tones will
apply, select Beeps from the menu. The screen will appear as follows:

11.5 Initial Mode

This section is used to configure the initial mode upon powering on the indicator. To access this
parameter, select Initial Mode from the menu. The screen will display the available modes, which is
determined by whether a force or torque sensor is connected. An example is as follows:

The default value is Real Time.

11.6 Information / Welcome Screen

The following screen is displayed at power up and can be accessed at any time by selecting Information
from the menu:

Digital Indicator

Model M3i

Ind. SN: 1234567
Sensor: MR51-50
Sensor SN: 9876543
Version: 1.0



Real Time

Peak Compression
Peak Tension



* Alerts
Set Points
* Momentary