Sensor positioning errors, Leak beyond the sensors, Leak on the connecting pipe – ADS Environmental Services Eureka2R QR 775019 A1 User Manual
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ADS Eureka2R Leak Noise Correlator User Manual
Sensor Positioning Errors
Correlator operation relies on the location of the leak existing between the two
sensors. However, two contexts can prevent this from occurring.
Leak Beyond the Sensors
If the leak is located beyond the length of pipe between the sensors, the
correlator will ignore the transit time from the leak to the nearest sensor
because the transit time will be the same for both sensors. This will give the
impression that the leak exists directly at the location of the sensor closest to
the leak (occasionally referred to as out-of-bracket). Therefore, one sensor
must be moved to locate the leak position accurately.
Leak on the Connecting Pipe
If the leak is occurring on a pipe that connects to the pipe being measured, the
noise will appear to spread from the connection point and, therefore, indicate
that point as the location of the leak. This requires moving one sensor to the
connecting pipe, ensuring the leak falls between the sensors, to accurately
locate the leak. A thorough knowledge of the entire pipe network layout is
essential to ensure the correlator is taking measurements on the correct section
of pipe and that no possibility exists for leaks on branch pipes, causing false