9 work instructions, 10 parking the machine, 8 adjusting depth – Great Plains P15843 Serial No 18007975 User Manual

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Operating Instructions


4.9 Work Instructions

Driving speed

The X-Press can be driven at speeds of up
to 12 km/h.

This depends on the field conditions (type of
soil, surface trash, etc.).

Drive more slowly if the conditions are difficult
or a firmer finish is required.


Before turning, the machine should
be lifted out of work while driving.
Likewise, it should lowered back
into work once the turn has been

4.10 Parking the machine

In order to avoid damage as a result of
moisture, the machine should be parked, if
possible, indoors or under cover.

When manoeuvring the machine,
pay attention to your surroundings.
Ensure that nobody is in the

manoeuvring area (watch for

• Park the machine on level and solid ground.
• Lower the machine onto the parking stands
ensuring that it is stable (4m Folding models
only). On Rigid models, lower the machine
onto the disc units.
• Remove the toplink and lower the link arms
so that pins can be removed.
• Switch off the tractor.
• Disconnect hydraulic and electric lines from
the tractor (4m Folding models only).

4. Adjustment / Operation

4.8 Adjusting Depth

To change the working depth it is advisable
to lift the machine clear of the ground so that
the rear roll linkage becomes loose. Move
the position of the depth stop and/or pin to
change the depth. Reversing the depth stop
through 180° and refitting gives a finer depth

When the depth has been altered, lower the
machine into work and check operation. If
the depth change has been significant then
other setting could be affected. This could
be chassis pitch (front to rear) and disc angle
for the given depth.

A small amount of cultivation, eg. a 20 metre
run, should be carried out before altering
these settings to check whether they are now
suitable for the cultivation effect required.
These settings should be adressed
immediately to prevent too much work being
carried out.

Fig. 4.08: Roll Linkage