CLIFFORD 50 User Manual
Page 15

UltraSecure™ valet mode
Within seconds, thieves can disable all other alarm brands by hot-wiring the ignition and
flicking an easy-to-find “hidden” valet switch. Concept 50 has safeguards that absolutely
ensure that a thief or carjacker cannot enable the valet mode as a way of “turning off” your
system. How? To enter valet mode, the driver must first enter the secret disarming code.
Whenever the system is put in valet mode, all of the security and anti-carjacking features are
switched off. At various times, you will need to switch the system off. For instance, when
having your car serviced, washed or parked by a valet. Remember: When your car will
be driven by someone else (such as a mechanic) who will not know your disarming code,
you must place Concept 50 in valet mode, otherwise your car will be immobilized.
NOTE: If you temporarily lose the use of your remote controls, you can disarm
the system by enabling valet mode.
To enable valet mode
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine.
2. Enter your secret disarming code on the PlainView switch, then return the switch to
its center position.
3. You now have 3 seconds to flip the switch to the latched position (valet mode). Once
you have enabled valet mode, the system’s LED will glow continually for on-going
visual confirmation of valet mode.
Keyless entry in valet mode:
Even if valet mode is enabled, you can still remotely
control the convenience features. For instance, simply press button 1 (channel 1)
as if you were disarming. The doors will unlock (as indicated by one flash of the
parking lights) and the interior lights will illuminate. Press button 1 (channel 1)
again and the doors will lock (indicated by two parking light flashes). You can
also use the remote control’s other channels to activate options such as a remote
trunk release or remote engine starting.
To exit valet mode
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine (you may also
perform the following while driving).
2. Flick the switch back to its center position. The LED will turn off to confirm that the
system is now in its normal operating mode.
NOTE: You can even enable or exit valet mode with your remote control from
outside the vehicle! See the Remote QuickAccess section on page 16.
Dual-sensor protection
Concept 50 system has two sensors: a Glass Tampering Sensor that detects attempts to
break any of the vehicle’s windows, and a Dual-Zone Magnetic Resonance Sensor that
detects intrusion-related vibrations. What’s more, the secondary, high-sensitivity zone of
the Dual-Zone Magnetic Resonance Sensor can detect someone forcefully leaning
against your vehicle’s fender and will warn the person off with an unmistakable warning
tone (instead of the full siren blast, which is reserved for a genuine intrusion attempt).