R&D Batteries Lithium CR Batteries User Manual
Page 9

Renata SA
Tel. +41 (0)61 975 75 75
CH-4452 Itingen/Switzerland
Fax. +41 (0)61 975 75 95
The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. RENATA S.A. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with
respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from reliance on it.
Article Safety Data Sheet - Lithium Batteries Version:
09-02 /
Page 9 of 10
This label is required for shipments containing one or more cells/batteries into, out of, or within the U.S. via highway, rail, vessel or cargo-only
aircraft. The label must be in contrasting colour and the letters must be 6 mm (0.25 in) in height for packages weighting not more than 30 kg.
Regulatory References: SP 188 UN Model Regulations, 188 ADR/RID, 310 IMDG Code, ICAO/IATA Packing
Instruction 968 Part 1 (Lithium Metal Batteries) and ICAO/IATA Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 (Lithium Ion
SHIPPER'S CERTIFICATION for Lithium Metal Batteries and Lithium Ion Batteries
Hereby we declare that the cells and batteries contained in this shipment qualify in accordance with above provisions
for transportation "partly regulated"
DÉCLARATION DE L'EXPÉDITEUR pour piles au Lithium Metal et Lithium Ion
Par la présente, nous certifions que les piles contenues dans cet envoi sont conformes aux conditions de transport
exigées pour la mention"partiellement réglementés"
ERKLÄRUNG DES VERSENDERS für Lithium Metall Batterien und Lithium Ionen Batterien
Wir bestätigen hiermit, dass die Batterien und Zellen in dieser Sendung entsprechend oben genannten
Bestimmungen als "teilweise eingeschränkt" transportiert werden können
For emergency information call RENATA SA at +41 61 319 28 27
referring to the below Packing List No
This certification is on every packing list for shipments containing Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion