ORBIT FR Standard Test Cell User Manual
Rstc ‐ remc standard test cell

Systems Ltd,
North Florida Road, Haydock,
St Helens, WA11 9TN,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1942 296190
Fax: +44 (0) 1942 275202
General Descrip on:
The Rainford
chamber's overall size results from the
use of a unique hybrid absorber design, which require less
volumetric space than tradi onal absorbers.
Using our SmartShield high performance, modular construc‐
on shielding system, we can offer a versa le demountable
A combined Managerial experience in EMC of over 100
years, to provide complete customer sa sfac on.
The Rainford
is just one of a range of pre‐defined de‐
signs that includes the Rainford
(Mini Compact Cham‐
Our vast experience and design tools allow us to adapt our
exis ng designs to suit specific customers requirements.
High quality and long life, are guaranteed with our
cer fied produc on facility.
With the future in mind, Rainford EMC is cer fied according
to the Environmental standard
A Rainford Standard Test Cell has been developed for
the R&D, produc on and quality control environ‐
ments where space is cri cal.
The cube like design has been produced for small
sized DUT’s (0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m) approximately. The
main body of the unit is constructed from 2mm thick
steel tray that can be either bolted with TCS gasket or
Opera ng Frequency: 10KHz ‐ 20GHz
Using the same high end SmartShield technology as
incorporated in our larger shielded rooms the RSTC
will provide protec on and isola on from the sur‐
rounding RF environment. With the addi on of ferrite
and absorber materials low reflec ons and stable
quiet zones are achievable.
Key features:
An ideal environment for tes ng wireless devices
as GSM, UMTS, CDMA, Bluetooth, DECT, W‐LAN,
Zigbee, RFID, Wimax etc.
RSTC also meets several
test standards
UKAS accredited
Op mised computer modelling to enable par al
Hybrid low cost version
Penetra on and filtering can be adapted to the
customer’s requirements
Flexible modular design enables easy site chang‐
es or upgrading
Independently cer fied
100dB @ 18GHz
performance (ISO17025)
RSTC ‐ REMC Standard Test Cell