Winchester Repeating Arms 9422 (Historic Manual) User Manual

Page 7

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The quick take-down feature allows you to easily disassemble your
Model 9422 into two halves. A single screw on the left side of the
receiver is all it takes. It makes it easy to clean and oil your rifle, plus
it allows cleaning of the muzzle from the breech end, protecting the
crown of the barrel so you don’t risk affecting accuracy.

The authentic look of the Model
9422 isn’t just for fun. The
Model 9422’s lever action
design with tubular magazine is
reliable and fast handling.

Sights are made to handle rough conditions.
Front and rear sights are drift adjustable for
windage. The rear sight also features an eleva-
tor system for quick elevation changes, plus the
sight blade can be adjusted for small changes
with screw-type sight blade attachment.

The tubular magazine
design with tube-mounted
loading port makes loading
easy for any hands, young
or old.

The inner magazine tube is
of durable brass. For con-
venience, the magazine
follower is colored to dis-
tinguish it from a cartridge
in the magazine.


Classic barrel band